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Usage | Client

Step 1 - Imports & Constants

The is written to the root of the repository by default.

from pyupdater.client import Client
from client_config import ClientConfig

APP_NAME = 'Super App'
APP_VERSION = '1.1.0'

ASSET_NAME = 'ffmpeg'

Step 2 - Create callback

This callback will print download progress.

def print_status_info(info):
    total = info.get(u'total')
    downloaded = info.get(u'downloaded')
    status = info.get(u'status')
    print downloaded, total, status

Step 3a - Initialize Client

Initialize a client with the ClientConfig & later call refresh to get latest update data. Progress hooks can also be added later.

client = Client(ClientConfig())


Step 3b - Initialize Client Alt

Initialize a client with the ClientConfig, add progress hook & refresh during initialization.

client = Client(
            ClientConfig(), refresh=True, progress_hooks=[print_status_info]

Step 4a - Update Check

Method update_check returns an AppUpdate object if there is an update available else None

app_update = client.update_check(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)

Step 4b - Update Check Alt

Checking for updates on the beta channel

app_update = client.update_check(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, channel='beta')

Step 5a - Download Update

If an update object was returned, we can proceed to download the update.

if app_update is not None:

Step 5b - Download Update Alt

We can also download in a background thread.

if app_update is not None:

Step 6a - Overwrite

Ensure file downloaded successfully, extract update & overwrite current application. Note that is_downloaded verifies the files hash.

if app_update.is_downloaded():

Step 6b - Restart

Ensure file downloaded successfully, extract update, overwrite current application & restart application with the updated binary.

if app_update.is_downloaded():