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Usage | CLI

Step 1 - Create Keypack

Create a keypack on an air-gapped computer, not your dev machine, for best security. You'll be asked for the name of the application. It's important that you use the same name when creating a new keypack for the same application. If you don't your application will not be able to verify update meta-data and will not auto-update!

$ pyupdater keys -c

Step 2 - Copy Keypack

Copy the keypack to the dev machine & place in the root of the code repository.

$ scp dev-machine:keypack.pyu .

Step 3 - Init Repo

In the root of your repo run the init command. You'll be asked a few questions about your application then 2 directories & a config file will be created. The first directory is pyu-data which is used as a working directory for PyUpdater. The other is a hidden directory for repository configuration and data files.

$ pyupdater init

Step 4 - Import Keypack

Make sure the keypack file is in the root the repo. After you've successfully imported the keypack it's safe to delete.

$ pyupdater keys -i

Step 5 - Integrate PyUpdater

See Usage | Client

Step 6 - Make Spec

Is your app more of the demanding type? Generate your spec file with PyUpdater then make edits as necessary. If you do not need a custom spec file skip to the next step. Please see the spec-file section in the Danger Zone.

$ pyupdater make-spec -w

# or

$ pyupdater make-spec -F -w

# To show pyinstaller build info use --pyinstaller-log-info

Step 7 - Build

You have two options when building. You can specify a spec file or a main script. Please see the version numbers section in the Danger Zone.

# Build from a spec file.
$ pyupdater build --app-version=1.0.0 main.spec

# Build from a script.
$ pyupdater build --app-version=1.0.0

# To show pyinstaller build info use --pyinstaller-log-info

Step 8 - Create patches

Gets sha256 hashes, file sizes, adds meta-data to version manifest and copies files to deploy folder. If a source files is available, patches will also be created. You can combine --process with --sign.

$ pyupdater pkg --process

Step 9 - Cryptographically Sign

Now lets sign & gzip our version manifest, gzip our keyfile & place both in the deploy directory. Note that the signing process works without any user intervention. You can combine --sign with --process

$ pyupdater pkg --sign

# For CI/CD
$ pyupdater pkg --sign --split-version

Step 10 - List Installed Plugins

Get a list of the plugins you have installed. You probably wont have to run this many times :)

# You can install the official plugins with
# pip install pyupdater[s3, scp]
$ pyupdater plugins

s3 by Digital Sapphire
scp by Digital Sapphire

Step 11 - Configure Plugin

Your plugin may or may not need configuration. If you are not sure then please check the documentation for that plugin.

$ pyupdater settings --plugin s3

Step 12 - Upload

We've made it. Time to upload our updates, patches & metadata. You won't have any patches to upload on the first run. Don't worry they'll be there next time.

$ pyupdater upload --service s3

Debugging Issues

Sometimes issues arise like misconfigured upload URLs or keys. To debug issues that involve PyUpdater, create the file pyu.log in the root of your app.

PyUpdater will log debug statements to this file and hopefully provide you with information to assist with your debugging.